Monday, November 14, 2022

Indian Elections (Cats, Dogs Games?)

I tried to understand this election process rather than going to vote this time (Recent Panchayat Elections). Probably, first time or 2nd time (?), when I did not feel like to vote.

वोट डालने नहीं गए तुम?

कहाँ  डालने थे?

बाथरूम में? या बेड रूम में? Wetland ya dryland?

Elections or some AQ, IQ kinda testing or G-experimentation?

2D, 3D printing? Or 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G kinda testing? What kinda hell is this?

Kinda "आम आदमी के लिए मेले का इंतज़ाम कर, बड़े लोग ऊपर बैठे खेलेंगे और कौन जीतेगा का निर्णय करेंगे?" 

तो आम आदमी क्या धक्के खाने जाते है वोट डालने? 

I got some suggestions and some advertisements here or there to understand elections. Too offensive stuff. Be it stand up comedies or some EVM hacking or testing videos or the way people cast their votes, under too intrusive tech-eyes or ears. 

Don't they come under Human Rights Violations? 

Might be too hyped or manipulative stuff there. But isn't somewhat same, even our supreme court judges talking about? Discussing about? Dealing with, in day by day cases? Cannot they order corrective measures? Or they are on those chairs just to acknowledge, directly or indirectly about this dirty system?

Political gambling or Political theatre, whatever it is. These strangely scripted plays and dramas have consequences for common people, in the form of even 



Different kinda poisoning, adulterants, food, chemicals, cosmetics or maybe so many other forms.

Operations having almost designer holes and cuts of organs and places like 3-1 or 2-1 holes/cuts. 

And deaths (I call them assisted murders)

Wonder, what it had been in case, I had allowed to operate on myself on the name of that GALL-BLADDER? 







Satya or Mithya testings till that last breath?

Like so many gone during COVID-19? Our supreme court doesn't have some responsibility in case of such crimes? Common people out there think so -- at least, in such heinous political designs of crimes. Shouldn't they? Seems too touchy feely subject?

It's not some kuchi-puchi subjcet like -- "मेरी बिल्ली, मुझी को म्याऊँ" or "मेरा कुत्ता मुझी को भों-भों" और "मेरा कुत्ता-कुत्ता, तेरा कुत्ता टॉमी" etc.   

Strange intermixing and even strangely interwoven fields, subjects and consequences and too blurred lines?  

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