Monday, September 6, 2021

Workers and Migrations

 Workers and Migrations

They maybe house helpers, maids, cooks, guards, cleaners, gardeners, constructors in housing or maybe some other sector.

They maybe local or migrants from far away places in search of work. Maybe by own wishes or have been shifted away or pushed away or dragged away by these filthy political designers by creating such conditions.

How about Rajasthan and Haryana's girls vs boys ratio over the years?
How about women from Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Odisha and so many far away states to Haryana, Punjab and Delhi?
As purchased brides (Most times without knowledge by so-called well wishers)
Dragged in women trafficking
Exploited as workers
Or even killed and murdered by landlords?

Afterall, women in this society nothing more than lands! They cab be grabbed, owned and disowned so-many ways, so-many threads, so many techniques, even without their knowledge and consent.
Lowly lives are nothing more than cattle. Can be herded here or there.
So you have some such worker (workers in case of riches like my campus neighbourhood) in your home?
How you treat them?
How much you pay them?
What are their living and working conditions?

Do they have some work contract?
If yes, then must have some rights too along with duties. Or you have all the rights and they have all the duties?
What kind of work they are asked to do? It's mentioned in that contract? Or it can be anything even beyond that? Beyond that with their wishes and consent or you apply your own manipulative ways?
Do they have some human rights?
Or you consider them nothing more than cattle?

Mostly, people in uneducated or less educated societies suffer like that. No?

What about some higher education institutes and such kinda sufferings of some highly educated people?
Hyped versions?
Twisted versions?
Or nearby reality?
It's game, gambling at this place, or around such places that reflects the realities in society out there. Those realities maybe hyped, twisted, suppressed or amplified versions as per different political needs.
Vadodara Golf Course, Gambling and out!
What was this Vadodara golf course?
What kind of gambling was going on there?
Since how long?
By whom?
And "in" or "out" (they do need some elaborative explanation) by whose decisions?
SUPREME COURT OF INDIA IS ALSO INVOLVED IN ALL THIS Or just a silent spectator or tacit supporter?
Along with these so-called higher education institutes?
Higher education governing bodies like UGC and AICTE?

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