Tuesday, August 25, 2020

You Have Been Touched!

 (Part of Bio-Physio-Chem Warfares; Pros and Cons)

How it works?
Touchy-Feelly Game, Let's Play. Touch me, touch me not!

You have been touched!
Touched! In what way and what does mean this touch and point game?
And list goes on
Then there are body parts, where and how you have been touched.
Touched here= 1
Touched here= 2
Touched here= 3
Touched here= 4
Touched here= 5
And list goes on

Is this game?
And most important the one you are playing with should not know that you are playing. 
How is that possible?
Do you know guys who bet or seniors who take ragging of their juniors. How they assign specific mischeifs or activity to their juniors? Ditto! D i t t o!
Here words do have specific meaning, codes and grades.
Like A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J Etc.
Have you gone mad? 
Naah! This is code-decode. This is kinda programming.
Starting from simple code-decode, systematic programming of persons, groups, organizations and society. It is creating some specific life-styles, environment, behavior, causing agents, factors, diseases at times without your knowledge. If something cannot be created somewhere or could not be created up to the extend needed or desired impact or results then "propaganda works". Whoever come under this "systematic progression" gets infected like some diseases and works like some puppets or players of game.  That's how it works. 

The first experimenter was!?
1. ठोक बजाके देखना ऐसे
नोंच-नोंच के कच्चा चबा!

2. गुनाहों में ढूंढ़ना पनाह!
खोखले-पेड़ों के बीच घरोंदे की चाह!

3. सत्ता के सायों में रिश्तों की चाहत
राजनितिक गलियारों में जय-हो बजा!

4. इन सबसे बच निकलने की चाहत
इस टोल* से उस टोल तक पहुंचा!
*(Toll Tax)
इंसान भी अजीब प्राणी है! https://worldmazical.blogspot.com/2019/03/blog-post_25.html
वो भोले-भाले चेहरे उजले https://worldmazical.blogspot.com/2020/03/blog-post.html
The more I came to know about this gambling, the more feel is like "Cut all these gamblers (*$#%) into a thousand pieces and dump into some Cementary/graveyard within MDU along with their Thekedaars!
Cementary H#16?
Cementary H# 30?
OR Both?
What would be better teaching?
MDU and MDUians must feel like what does mean + on all these years of gambling!

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