Tuesday, August 11, 2020

COR-O-NA Co-VID-19, A Pattern Fraud!

The day politically motivated corona declared, I had terrible back-pain. In reports there was nothing! Doc said needs some more tests with test name P... It maybe gall bladder stone, to my surprise like many such surprises in last few years, I heard in the surrounding. The pain was back-side-pain not even nearby gall bladder.

Like many such out of nowhere health problems in last few years and their links to some foods or drinks, I tried some doubtful precautions here too rather than going back for any fraud testing, where a doc could not even know the location of pain and gall bladder! Or probably knew well so I feared the ill-design or well-designed murder attempt. I do not know what worked but with those doubtful precautions, that pain gone after disturbing terribly for some time.

The way CoVID-19 political propaganda engulfed the world and some so-called intelligent people from academia, docs, researchers, pharmaceutical industry became part of that ignorant or politically motivated herd brigade, shook the inner consciousness somewhere. I tried to argue with few in the surrounding but either in vain or got the reply.. don't you understand it's in solidarity with docs! I mean really, what kind of docs solidarity? This is nothing but political propaganda.

I have observed pattern fraud in academic papers, dissertations, projects and even complained to the authorities about JK ( Parallel case Jammu and Kashmir Union territories formation) /Ujjla-Bharti case. I keep wondering when honest people from academics would come forward to stop such fake disease, fake data creations/frauds used for political propaganda?

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