Monday, August 29, 2022

Read Across The Lines (Cryptic World)

Show, Don't Tell: Read Across The Lines (Cryptic World)

How would you read?


or MD U

A +? 

Grading of institutes isn't the way it shows there and common people understand. To some extent it maybe. But to greater extent, it has hidden meaning and messages. Same is true about journals, awards, media (print or electronic) grading.

To know the hidden messages in this grading. First check out the types of points. Then persons in that committee for grading. Then names of those committee people. Then meaning of different numbers they have given to different points of grading. For example MDU A + infrastrure 9. Why? Complaints of big boss houses? Though University has good infrastructure but it could be 7, 8 also. Same way other points can also be noticed. 

But this grading is nomore valid, as far as I know as it has a time limit. After that need to apply again. On that grading criteria and higher education regulator like UGC changes or replacement by HECI is in progress? Such progresses or stop on them or too slow in action again talk about this game and struggles or fights between parties. 

It can be seen like department will say (aboce pic) that we have these seats. But centre will say we have vacancies, no vacancies in states. Different parties and their contradictory statements. Then how many seats will be filled again nothing less than some election fights. One can only notice that only after being a committee member in such admissions, at least a few years. Then jumbling through almost whole semester and year after year randomness during exams as a teacher (codes and students names working style). And changes in them, fights at different level starting from admission to exams (random like the randomness of chemicals codes).

Interestingly, grading points of any institute and types also changes with time. Like earlier it was A, B, C, D in case of UGC. Then came A+ with the + game. Same way excellent and so on. Institutes like Engineering have one more guard here AICTE. Keep on preparing unnecessary files and data. 

It's same with faculty assignments/posts. Like earlier it was Lecturer, Reader and Professor; British in origin. Then it became Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor. From where? New world? Not so new (USA) but compare to other world.

When you read dean academic affairs, defence affairs, research affairs and so on. Check out their origin and you will come to know this interesting world of chairs/posts creation or demolition like some infrastructure. Infact, it's like these chairs are special creations for society's special affairs.

Websites have some specific words after www. ........ (they represent again some specific codes. It can be, .com, .net etc.). Same is with our email ids. 

For example in case of yahoo some may have while some may have 

In some cases this id maybe changed from .com to


When visited some other country first time?

in = India?

com = common?

Same way you can check origin of mail services sites or search sites or other social media origins or gone away. Same is true about companies. Most strong companies at some specific time, especially in our new world of today are somehow running these govermnets. These companies shares talk about that, in specific countries.


Once, you will start reading like this, in codes, then you will find on these sites some specific programs, courses, degrees, awards, projects, numerals related to them, specific symbols, signs and who's who on those chairs and so on. Not necessary that people sitting on those chairs even know about all this. Though now a days, I guess most do.

Same is true about UG C and any other site.

Then be it educational sites including medicals, any other civil sites, governments sites like states or national or even international organizations or it maybe defence.

Background of the pic? 

Check yourself



Seats 60, 4.. Degree

                        Fee: in R 70000

M. Tech

Seats 18, 2.. PG any 


                        Fee: in R 81000

To read the codes, (which comparatively close circles of upper starata know) you need some knowledge of some happenings or mishappenings of this political circus or governance worldwide.

For example:

You must know first, what these numerals and alphabets repsent in that gamble? At times, I do feel confused and need help from knowledgeable people in this field.

Then there maybe some colours or specific symbols, or mixed words and sentences. Then what is happening in that fight in-between these parties?

How common people could know so much about this comparatively so small circle happenings or misghappenings around the world? Small circle is small in comparision to common people out there. Else it's not so small circle, at least now a days.

Many things can be noticed via political chairs talks, discussions, programs attended, types of programs and what they did there etc.


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