Monday, July 18, 2022

Show, Don't Tell: Plants Vitiligo?

I started doing lil-bit plants experimentation in my own small lawn in the campus house in 2018. It was after the observation of some strange kinda enforcement stretgies of some special plants in my earlier campus home and current campus home. There were some other kinda enforcement stretgies going on even without my consent, mostly in my absense. But either I was a silent observer or registered strong objections, at times even in writing.

Like this.. Jahreeli Chai (

Then there are so many at official level.

Along with that I had also started noticing these codes at different level of University functioning and then system outside also.  

Let's focus to Vitiligo. 

What is vitiligo? 

White patches on skin. But all white patches don't come under this category. 

What are the causing agents?

Some chemicals? Continuos long period of high stress level? Some allergens? Some plants?

What are the symptoms?

At anotomical level white patch on skin kinda permanant. As still it does not have any permanant cure. Only cosmatics types are available. 

At physiological, my personal experience, high sensitivity to high temperature due to loss of pigment? Changes in some chemicals, compounds at cellular level? High sweating during this sensitivity period especially during rainy season sun. 

Wonder, if headach and sensitivity to light during headach also belongs or contribute to it?

That's general about vitiligo. 

Can we also call greying of hairs is a form of vitiligo?

As there also it's the loss of pigment. Higher level of chemicals use means earlier greying. For example most hair treatments as cosmatics we use commonly now a days. Be it hair colouring or hair straighting, perming, most not so mild shampoos etc. 

Can we reverse it? 

Maybe some day but for a while can put a stop to some extent by precautions.

Now what's this Plants Vitiligo?

"As per my knowledge", there is no such thing as plants vitiligo reported till now. Or maybe my search engine is ignorant. I would like to know, if anyone knows that.

Yes. I read about variegated leaves, blights and such diseases. But not plants vitiligo. Now also interested in how these variegated leaves evolved. As that's also related to pigment, plants pigments loss or gain.

I noticed this from my campus home lawn recently:

It is a bougainvillea, pink to light redish colour flower bougainvillea. This plant was planted by my gardener in my earlier campus home (H#16, Type-3). I planted it in the current home also like so many other plants. I never noticed such leaves on this plant. There are other plants also propagated from the same variety and they don't have such leaves. Only this one. Any plant disease, if anyone knows?
Or I can name it Plant Vitiligo? 
But why?
As this is the house where this small patch of vitiligo on my hand developed, few years back. I had removed my gardenrs due to many enforced kinda plants observations and started taking care of them myself. In the starting, I thought might be some fungal infection or any such problem. But it was vitiligo. 
Other plants propogated by same plant variety:

I noticed in these plants wilted yellowish leaves as happens in most plants but something as above case? Maybe needs lil bit experimentation and some patience.

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