Vish-Vigyan (विष-विज्ञान) Or Study of To-xi-co-lo-gy IIT K (S.K.S) that is 2S then 3, and then 4 G. That's known as -- V-I S-H VI- GY- AN?
12 GV PGI VC Car Number (?), noted just yesterday while going to bring some laborer for campus lawn cleaning. This car went just ahead of my car.
These are just coincidences?
Like Haryana CM Khattar visited PGI on 26.4.2021, that's why two police vehicles (full of specific names and posts came out of nowhere). That's what I had been informed by someone when questioned that theatrical drama of kidnapping heights. Still question, how a person at PGI, VC office backside ATM could be a danger to any VIP OR CM of Haryana? That's also not crowded but deserted place? On that came in her own vehicle. Was not in any public vehicle. Do our VIPs treat common persons like that?
Mind codes of this hypes of political theatre. You will find such codes in many other such instances, in some other posts of this Interesting World, to understand these out of nowhere politicians or VIPs mentions or programs, online or offline . Like now a days, you must be hearing news of INS and VIKRANT. Leave it here for a while.
Come back to our post topic -- VISH-VIGYAN.
Vish-Vigyan and relation of Co n V? Then be it 2 or proxy of 2 testing. Rather in this metaphorical testing (latest Pandemic) of exaggeration 2, 3 and 4 have been mixed. So now it became Co-V-19. Not Co-V-29 or Co-V-39 or Co-V-49? That's what I could understand.
Is there any other type of Covid also beyond this CoV2 and CoV19 numerals? Variants can be. Would like to know, in case of my ignorance.
Logical gap from gambling point of view? And totally political on that. No? At least seems so. What do you say?
Now the meaning of S, G, I or F or any such kinda letters can be better explained by these kalaakars involved in this kinda testing from such a long time.
How to look at above CoV2 (proxy?)?
First, it needs a brief memoire of that time (PhD). Then we will come to 3 (Nearby PhD completion (and "FLY=FLORIDA=DONALD TRUMP?" USA) and 4 (Blast 2010). So in that sense 2 (Scientist), 3 (Doctor), and 4 (Engineer) are the "three rodaas of my life in degrading order of testings"?
Or 1 (But who is that one, for me and for them?) and group/s of that time, who started all this and implanted these 2, 3, and 4 proxies to test/prove (so called chemical, physiological and physical testings) of their own kinda Satya or Mithya? And then literal Psycho world of Big Boss House 30, Type-4 and a visit to Psycho Department, PGI, Rohtak.
Does that girl (In 20s then, 40s now), who has been played like that have any say? Any right/s? If not professional or any other kinda personal then human-rights at least? Or women here are society's or some groups (male or female) private property? They can be treated the way they want. They can be tested and tagged the way they want even with the knowledge of Supreme Court of India? That's the country we are living in? That's our India?
There is a hyper version of this toxicity, which the world had to face politicly. But then that's how common people out there suffer due to such political designs, based on humiliation of opponents or parties, whom they wanna show their place. And mirror too? As they say whatever is happening in politics or Bollywood or Hollywood is a mirror image of society. Mirror or hyper reflections or refractions? Suppressions or depressions?
As I said earlier also, common people in their day by day life are much sober and busy in their own struggles. It's these some upper strata people with so many resources, who have these theatrical designs. Then they may be of politics, business world or Bollywood or Hollywood.
Let's check some hyper versions like -- Sri-Devi death in bath tub.
"Bathroom Ak Prem Katha" -- I did not watch this movie by thinking must be disgusting and disturbing, but title seems interesting. Read reviews only.
These cases have nothing to do with Big Boss House 30, Type-4, MDU and me?
Kidnapped by Police and jail inmates of my ward and women using kitchen as bathroom and toilet had wasps have nothing to do with all this?
Or Rhea and Sushant Rajput tragedy of Bollywood?
Then there are castles and political theatrical designs of other types. Like recent UK elections between Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak?
Theatrical metaphoric representations in constructions and demolitions also of so many types. Like recent Noida Twin Towers?.
Online versions like INS and VIKRANT?
Am I mixing things across different fields or that's how it is happening -- is there for people to decide.
Amplifications and manifestations, by different techniques to hit on different senses, and their cumulative impact. Again, you will find this in many other posts of this "Interesting World" Series.
In USA, it's 7-9-2022
In India, it's 8-9-2022
Elsewhere it can be in-between
All are right and
Depends where are you standing?
Somewhere it's night
Somewhere it's day
Somewhere it's moony
Somewhere it's sunny
Somewhere it's cold
Somewhere it's hot
Again depends, from where you are watching these celestial bodies?
Same way Vijay Dangi is not Indira, Priyanka, Digvijay, Mamata, Nitish, Modi, Putin, Trump, Liz Truss, Rishi Sunak or anyone else. She is Vijay Dangi. Her failures and achievements are her own. Same way her suffering or a content life cannot be compared to anyone else. Every individual is an individual. And that's how it should be. People sitting on some specific posts, chairs are responsible for some specific duties and rights. They cannot be mere puppets of politics, corporations, business houses or entertainment world. But seems they are.
Cases, I had gone through had consequences for me and my life. They may had indirect consequences of gambling on these fields. But these people did not come to me to help in any way, except projecting non-sensical dramas for their own gain. If that had been the case, I had not lived for such a long time in such disgusting conditions.
How supreme court would deal with all this?
The way of ignorance?
Or victim needs to prove all?
We have no responsibility, even if it's impacting world, the worst way? Business and politics matter.
Means, supreme court is also part of upper strata people and behaving typical that way, even after knowledge?
At least that's what I could guess, at least till now.