Tuesday, October 27, 2020

SIB: Homology Modelling

Swiss Bioinformatics (SIB)

Swiss Model: Introduction

Start a Modeling Project

Template Search Result

 Modelling and results and quality estimation

Comparision of Template Sequences

Modelling Results and Quality Estimation





Sequence Analysis

Sequence Analysis:


Local Sequence Alignment and Smith Waterman


Global Sequence Alignment and Needleman Wunsch

Thursday, October 22, 2020

How to Check The Menace of Academic Fraud/Data Fraud?

Only if it had been about some minor academic fraud! The kind of fraud we have become habitual to ignore. Like the one below:

How to check that? Looking at such slides, such data, such names (ICGEB, Delhi), it looks not just normal but might seem impressive to some! But! Is it? I had put a question mark on that being their internal guide from MDU, Rohtak. But my question marks have been ignored and "whole-scandal" (The way it happened!) has been wrapped-up beautifully. These two students have been transferred to some other faculty "overnight by ignoring all rules and regulations", on the name that they had to join "AIIMS" by blah, blah date! AIIMS, another big name indeed (At least in Indian context). Can we imagine what such people, students, academicians, doctors or scientists will do to such names and to society?

What if Covid-19 had not happened? 
I had lived in doubt, probably for life, that the above scandal/data fraud is only the tip of  the iceberg. The "HYB-RID creation" like some transgenic-creation is something a comparatively new try. Though had doubts about so-many diseases and their data, fake-patient creation, operations, deaths (err murders) etc. Lots were there to doubt. And "in all probability" all my doubts about all those diseases are also true.

One by one, I would like to put them (Doubtful fake diseases) public, especially for those academicians who feel  that this kinda academic frauds can look minor but might be disastrous for society.

So question is How to Check The Menace of Academic Fraud?

Friday, October 16, 2020


Drug Development Process

CADD Introduction


Drug Discovery and Issue

Target and Lead Identification

Drug and Data Bases

Drug Properties

Drug Properties/SMILES

Drug Development

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Thermal Imaging

Thermal Imaging Cameras (S-e-e-K Thermal)

Found one more interesting imaging resource: 
"Vayyar Imaging Ltd."

Wonder, if there can be any relation of "AC and heatstroke"?
Thermodynamics and Thermal Imaging?

"Diseases and Board Games"
(Part of some class-discussion on: 

Some student's Response (Student's name: HM)

"A disease can be anything which causes disruption in the normal functioning of the body.
Let's take example of Chronic Heatstroke.
Its caused by exposure to heat over a long duration of time for weeks ...like people working in hot and humid rooms on a high heat generating bit coin minning computer, long distance truck drivers etc.

These cases shows lack of water in their bodies with limited intake...its loosing water over broad period so people don't notice it... which causes chronic dehydration due to this their skin is hot and dry, as body can't produce sweat to cool off because it will cause more water loss.
When its reaches to its end state patient collapses with a high headache.
Heart beats faster to pump blood to the skin to dissipate heat that should have been easily dealt with sweat.
Resulting less blood to the organs causing "Ischemia"... Isch - to hold back, Emia - presence in blood ...its holding back of blood to the organs due to low blood pressure because vessels got expand make up for this heat.
Heart beats even faster resulting an rise in temperature even more. Which leads to:
Denaturing of enzymes.
Organs get starved of oxygen.
Kidney can't filter.
Liver starts leaking enzymes.
Intestine gets punctured and its contents spill out causing "Endotoxemia".
But the brain tries to manage it with opening blood brain barrier. Resulting in proteins and water to flow in making the brain to expand and crush up against skull.
The Heat - stroke induced cellular atrophy is usually observed in the brain causing permanent damage." 
And yesterday's discussion over there but not the thread. It will continue

Would like to listen some songs?

When this song came? 2011? 
This crime going on since 2011 or even earlier?
Big-Boss-House-16, Type-3


Eurovision 2020
On fire!? Testings? Trivia etc.?

Light (jugnus?)! 
Camera! Caves! Tiger!
Plane hijack "N974"  tricky-trick!
Interesting world indeed!
"Kaif to wannabe Katty-Perry" (S-e-e-K Thermal)!
Interesting codes!
Somewhat like "Kamala-Harris"?
Still trying to understand...

Songs list is long. For a while this much...
Interesting world! No?
What a "Fattu-Law-Land"! Maybe some next post.

Sunday, October 11, 2020


 "Bio-Chem-Physio-Board-Games" can be new interdisciplinary subject. 

It would help to aware the common people in layman's language the origin, progression and prevention of disease.

It would help the common people to understand the fraud on the name of disease and the politics behind that.

It would help to save the common people from the propaganda of media-lobbies and their ill designs along with so many vested interests playing with people's health and lives.

Maybe it would also help new health-media or science-communication reach to common man.

It would help to understand the academicians their own roles in shaping the society. If certain so-called intellectuals among them producing fake and pattern fraud then identify them and bust their designs.

Many interesting patterns in diverse fields of academics can also be noted via such games including the impact factors of scientific journals at some specific time period, their editorial boards, universities grading and different types of awards and their selection strategies. Why it seems to me "Sab game hai!"? As this is the truth.

It would help to know the specific products in market at some specific time and their contents along with their impact on health. Be aware about them. Before using them read all contents carefully and know their effects on your body/health. Be it food products or grooming products along with water, air, soil and overall environment.

It would help in selection "what to avoid and what to consider" while designing drugs and medicines.

It would be great teaching and learning strategy at every level starting from schools to higher education level.

I did not find many board-games related to diseases but would like to know their history, designs, strategies and impact. Though some you can search online and understand to some extend.

Bio-Chem-Physio-Board-Games! (Part of Bio-Chem-Physio-Warfares! Pros and cons!)

Wednesday, October 7, 2020